Metabolism is a complex chemical process that converts food into energy. Everyone needs to eat and drink in order to supply their body with energy, but everyone metabolises food at a slightly different rate. The main factors that influence how fast your body burns calories are your genetics, your gender, and your age.

Your individual metabolic rate depends on the amount of energy you consume, the amount of physical activity you do, and your body’s general health. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum number of calories necessary to sustain basic functions when a person is inactive.

Let’s examine some natural ways to boost metabolism and increase the chances of hitting your weight loss goals.

Eat a nutritious breakfast to kickstart your metabolism

Eating breakfast provides you with the energy required to kickstart your metabolism, which in turn increases calorie burn. You'll also be less likely to turn to junk food later in the day when you're extra hungry.

A range of nutritious and protein-rich foods should be selected for breakfast, including eggs as they provide a significant amount of protein as well as other important nutrients such as vitamin A.

Avoid eating sugary foods like cereals for breakfast. These foods are typically high in sugar and low in nutrition. They spike blood sugar levels and cause you to crave more food soon after you eat, which makes it easier for you to overeat (and eat the wrong foods).

Turn to fruit and veg for a filling snack packed with vitamins

Adding more leafy greens and fresh vegetables to your diet can help you lose weight. Not only are these foods filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but they also keep you feeling fuller for longer as they contain more protein and fiber than other foods. Plus, they contain a wide range of nutrients that will keep your body functioning at its best.

The easiest way to eat more greens is to start with a salad for lunch or breakfast every day. Add some vegetables to your eggs, such as peppers, spinach, kale, or broccoli – or sauté the veggies with eggs for a quick and delicious meal.

Swap carbs and fats for protein to burn more calories

Protein is an essential macronutrient for the body and helps maintain lean muscle mass, energy levels, and helps with weight loss. Protein has a high thermic effect because it requires more energy to digest than other macronutrients. This means your body is burning more calories to process protein than it does with carbohydrates or fats.

Protein slows the digestion of food, helping your body process the calories in your meal over a longer period of time. Stick to fish, lean meats, eggs, and plant proteins in order to keep your metabolism running long after you've finished eating.

Start drinking green tea and Matcha

Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine (which is also a metabolism booster), but the main metabolism boosting ingredients are a number of antioxidants. One of the most powerful is Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. It has been shown to promote fat loss by inhibiting an enzyme involved in fat storage and also boosts exercise performance by increasing endurance and stamina.

Matcha, a type of green tea is a high-quality source of antioxidants. Each serving of matcha is the equivalent of 10 cups of green tea. Matcha also contains an astounding level of ECGC, making it an incredible fat burning ingredient. It's an energising and mood-boosting drink that can be consumed daily for metabolic benefits, weight loss, and healthy energy levels.

Drink more water throughout the day

Drinking water before meals has been highlighted as an effective tool for weight loss. Studies have shown that those who fill up on water before meals eat less than they otherwise would, without having to think about it.

Drinking more water can also help you ward off dehydration. Often times when we’re dehydrated, we mistake thirst for hunger and get tempted by snacks that are high in calories and devoid of the important nutrients our body needs.

Water is not only good for hydration, but it's also a valuable resource for cleansing your body of toxins and aiding in the digestion of food. Water's hydrating effect on your organs, ensures they work more efficiently while processing food.

Skip empty calories and processed foods

Processed foods are full of artificial ingredients, processed sugar, GMOs, preservatives, fats and empty calories. After eating such foods, we tend to feel unsatisfied and continue to eat more. We also feel hungry again a short time afterwards as they are processed through the body quicker than healthier alternatives.

Limit the consumption of calorie dense processed foods that contribute to weight gain. Instead, choose whole grains and fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes to gain valuable nutritional benefits and to feel fuller for longer.

Eat more spicy foods to boost metabolism

Capsaicin, the substance in chilies that burns your mouth when you eat spicy food, is actually a super-effective metabolism booster. It can help you burn fat faster, increase your energy expenditure, and improve your overall health.

Studies have shown that eating spicy food can increase a person's metabolism and burn calories for long after they have finished eating.
Another study found that men who ate chilies consumed 200 calories less per day than those who didn't. It's hard to deny the fact that spicy foods can suppress appetite and lead to weight loss over time.

Just a few minor changes to your day, including increased exercise and healthy eating, can have a huge impact on your metabolism.

If you have any other techniques to gain a higher metabolic rate that we've missed out, please leave a comment below.