Working out at home has a lot of advantages. It’s cheaper, more convenient, and you can work out when it suits you without having to worry about finding space in a crowded gym.

There are however some disadvantages to working out at home, namely that you don’t have the motivating atmosphere of other people around you, or access to the same range of equipment.

Building a workout routine that fits in with your lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult. The key is to understand how to put together an efficient and effective home workout plan, without having to spend time (or money) at the gym.

Here’s a 10 step guide to get you on the road to your ultimate home workout routine…

Step 1: Create your ultimate home workout space

Good workout spaces are designed for comfort and convenience, to motivate you to get moving.

A dedicated space in your home or apartment is a great way to make sure you have a stress-free zone for physical activities.

Whether it's an entire room, or just a section of the room, you should make sure there isn't anything in the workout space that can distract you from your workout.

Step 2: Purchase only essential workout equipment

Fitness equipment can be a major investment, so it's essential to only buy what you need. For some, it might be the requirement for a treadmill, but for others it might be just a resistance band or yoga mat.

The key is to only invest in workout gear that will truly make a positive impact on your workout routine. While it's nice to have all the bells and whistles, you don't need every fitness gadget you can find.

If you're short on space, focus on investing in the quality tools you really need. These essentials include dumbbells and a high-quality kettlebell, but it may be worthwhile to add a pull-up bar or jump rope to your collection as well.

Step 3: Remove any and all distractions from your workout space

The most important thing to remember when setting up your home gym is to remove any and all distractions.

Whether it's a pile of dirty laundry on the floor, or an extra pair of shoes in the corner, you need to be sure that there is nothing in your workout space that can possibly distract you from a good workout!

Before you start your exercise, make sure your phone and other electronics are turned off, you are dressed for your exercise, and you have the right shoes for the workout.

Step 4: Choose motivating background music for your workout

To get the most out of your workout, choose motivating background music.

To really pump yourself up for a gruelling workout, music with a 130-140 beats per minute tempo will help you reach peak performance.

For the best workout, you should choose motivating background music that matches the intensity of your workout.

Step 5: Get ready for your home workout the night before

The night before, prepare your gym clothes and workout necessities so you can get a good morning workout in right after you wake up.

Not only will this get your day off to a great start, but it'll also help you meet your fitness goals more easily than if you'd slept in instead.

Step 6: Start your workout first thing in the morning

Get a head start on your day by exercising first thing in the morning. Forcing yourself to do it first thing is the best way to ensure it gets done, and gets done well.

When you’re struggling to exercise after a long day, or when you’re tempted to skip it altogether, remember the benefits of waking up early and exercising.

Step 7: Warm up before and cool down after your workout

Warming up is an essential part of any workout. Stretching can prepare muscles for strenuous physical activity, and performing light exercises like jogging in place and doing jumping jacks will increase your heart rate, preparing your body for more vigorous activities.

Cooling down after a workout is as important as a warm-up. It helps prevent soreness and injury, and it also helps you to return to the rest of your day feeling refreshed.

Step 8: Plan your workout sessions in advance

Decide what exercises you will do for each part of your body. For example, you may decide that on Monday and Wednesday, you will do squats, and on Tuesday and Thursday, you will do deadlifts. Make a note of this on a piece of paper, in your electronic calendar, or on a whiteboard at home.

Planning a workout in advance is the best way to stay on track and accountable, so make sure to schedule your training in your calendar. Choose when you want to work out, how many days of the week, and what specific training you want to do. You should also take your schedule into account, as you might not have time for a long workout on a busy morning.

Step 9: Consider exercising outdoors when the weather permits

There are also a number of physical and mental benefits that come along with outdoor exercise that cannot be obtained when exercising indoors.

First of all, there's the obvious benefit — the weather! When the sky is clear, you can soak up some vitamin D, which some studies have shown reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Whether you like to go for a walk, run, or bike ride, it's clear that exercising outside has plenty of perks.

Not only does going outside allow you to enjoy fresh air and the scenic beauty of your surroundings, but doing so can also help you lift your mood and even increase endorphins in your brain.

Step 10: Prepare a post-workout meal in advance

Last but not least, it's important to compliment your workout routine with a tasty and nutritious post-workout meal prepared in advance, to prevent eating junk food when you get hungry after a workout – which can destroy all of the hard work you put into your routine.

To keep your body running at peak performance, refuel it after a workout with a high-protein mixed meal. If you're pressed for time, throw together a quick shake with whey protein powder and low fat milk.

If you want to have an effective exercise routine, you must be consistent. That's why these 10 simple tips will help you stay on track and achieve your goals. If you have any other ideas for workout routines that have worked for you, then please share them with others in the comments below.